Demo   Documentation
  1. Enter the URL of a website that you would like to describe with vocabulary and connect that descreption to the Web API.
  2. For the website you entered, choose the types of data in that matches the type of data in this website.
  3. For each type:
    • What is the website API endpoint that get you this type. (example)
    • Choose the properties from that matches the response fields of the API Property/Field. (example)
    • Click on the Type node    Type     if you are intertsted in searching the site for this type, updating this type properties, removing an exsiting type and creating a new one.
  4. If you are intersted in searching the website for this type, you will need to choose the search API endpoint, the search term parameter used to search the API and the id field. (example)

App Settings
Property Configuration

1. Which of the following API endpoints returns this property a object? Click on each one to view their descreption.

If none of the above API endpoints returns the property, you can integrate it in ScrAPIr.

2. Choose the ID parameter of this API

Object Configuration


Searching for object(s)

1. Which of the following API endpoints searches for object? Click on each one to view their descreption
